I have to admit something. I've been with Jess for six years, but there has always been another love in my life. It's been an affair that I hope to get out in the open and see if I can make it work with Jessica. I love video games.
Jess has never been a big fan of video games. Sure, she plays the occasional Wii party game, and she loves them on her iPhone, but the Xbox360 and Jess have been rivals for years. I hope that I have found a way to bridge the gap between the two. LA Noire.
As I've written before, I really like LA Noire. And one thing Jess and I like to watch are police shows. I feel like this game could be a happy medium for both of us enjoy. I've been through a complete playthrough before, so I know we can make it 'til the end. It will be interesting to see how her detective work is compared to mine. She'll probably blow my scores away.
We'll see how this works. I'm excited, and she's... on board. It'll be an interesting experiment to see if I can make my two loves love each other. Maybe not love each other, but at least not be at each others throats.
Is there anything you've tried to get your significant other interested in? Did it work? Did it fail with hilarious consequences? Let me know. Post a comment or leave a message on Facebook. (I'd prefer you leave the message here.)
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