Since the Rocky franchise is my favorite movie franchise, its was just a matter of time for me to do an article about it. So here they are the Rocky Awards.
Worst Movie: Um. Really? Rocky 5
Best Song: One thing that is big is Rocky movies, the music. From the instrumentals, to the classic 80's rock songs. Of all the memorable songs in the series. I have to go with the Original Theme. Classic. Unmistakeable. And gives you hope.
Most Overrated: When I was playing intramural sports at OU we played Eye of the Tiger before everyone flag football game. We lost every one. It's so overdone and I just don't like it. It's super overrated.
Worst Fight: Rocky 5 versus Tommy Gunn. In the street, and that move just sucks.
Best Story: The original. Rocky was a Million to One story. It wasn't about winning. It was about going the distance and you can't quit on your dreams.
Best Action: Rocky 3. Clubber Lang times two AND a fight against Thunderlips? Great stuff. The first two were dramas, the next two were action movies.
Most Dated Movie: Rocky 4. I don't care that the original movie mentions the year 1976 and that is a theme of the movie. NOTHING is more dated than Rocky 4. Which adds to its charm.
Best Bad Guy: Clubber Lang. It's not even close. If you have Drago, Lang, Creed, and Gunn in front of you, the LAST guy you would want to fight is Lang. Mr. T was terrifying. He really would knock you into tomorrow.
Best Montage: Rocky 4. The entire movie is a montage.
Most Ridiculous Moment: Rocky 4. The entire movie is ridiculous.
Best Fight: The Original. You really think Rocky might win. He hurts Creed, and maybe he could do it. But he doesn't. Rocky 2 is a close second.
Best 80's Song: No Easy Way Out. If I'm driving at night, there is a good chance I reenact that scene.
Best Training Montage: Rocky 2. When he's running and runs with the kids. He flies up those stairs. Rocky 2 went from OK to amazing after Mick says, "Well what are we waiting for?"
Best Comedy: The fight with Thunderlips. It's a good time.
Best Side Character: Paulie. Mick is great and Creed is really good too, but Paulie is a loveable dirtbag. Hard to pull off.
Worst Character: Adrian. I wish Drago punched her instead of Apollo.
Lost Plot Item: In Rocky 2, Rocky is practically blind on one side, forcing him to fight Apollo right handed, yet this blindness is never talked about again even though Rocky fights like another 16 times.
Most Underrated: Rocky 2. People don't realize that its a really good movie. Yea, slow at first, but it's good. Really good.
No Homo Moment: The Beach Scene.
Best Movie: The first four are all great in their own way. Three is a great action movie. Four is such an
easily mindless entertaining movie. And two is right there. But the first is the best. It usually is.
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