During Game 4 of the NBA Finals, I wrote this blog about if Miami won. I really felt like LeBron was in a lose-lose situation. Even if he won, he didn't.
In the 1980's, Ted Dibiase was always trying to get the WWF Title. He had the money, the skills, and everything it took to get that belt, but he never could. And then, "The Million Dollar Man" came up with his most devious plan. He had Andre the Giant fight, and defeat, WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan. Once he was awarded the belt, he gave to Ted DiBiase. A dastardly move by a dastardly man. Of course, it didn't last long, we soon found out that an evil twin ref was used and there was a fast count, and the Million Dollar Man's plan was foiled.
This time there was no "evil ref". (2006, anyone?) But when LeBron couldn't win the title on his own, he joined his own version of the Million Dollar Team. (Chris Bosh as Virgil) And like Ted DiBiase, even though he held the title, everyone knew it wasn't his. Maybe to him it doesn't matter. Being a champion is being a champion. No matter how you got there, it's yours.
Am I calling LeBron a fraud? Not exactly. His team won the title and he was a major contributor. He is a big reason they made it as far as they did. But nobody that has watched this NBA Finals can tell you LeBron carried this team. This has been D Wade's team. He's been the fire, he's been the reason they won. He's the reason the team is even together.
LeBron is too good to not have a title. Many times, he's the best player on the court. He's the most amazing physical force in the NBA since a young Shaq. If it wasn't this year, it could be next year, or the next. As long as he's healthy, any team with LeBron James in the lineup is a legit title contender. But maybe this time, it wasn't really his. It's a shame for him that people won't let him enjoy it the way he will want to, but he's still the champ. For now.
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