Friday, November 18, 2011

Ace of Spades

     Quick, name a Motorhead song. (Waiting) Ok, raise your hand if you said the following: 1. Ace of Spades 2. Who's Motorhead? Most people know Motorhead for that one song, Ace of Spades (or maybe through Triple H). Lemmy, the rock legend and frontman for Motorhead, hates that song. He's played it a million times.

     That's what this blog turned into for me. It was my Ace of Spades. I didn't want to write anymore, but I felt like I had to pump SOMETHING out every day or every other day. Eventually, I got to the point that instead of writing once a week or so, I quit altogether. Which sucked. I like writing, I like being opinionated, and letting you know what I'm about. So from now on, I'm writing a couple times a week, or really whenever I feel like it. Which I hope is enough to keep you checking out the blog and telling you loved ones to read my posts.

     So what's happened to me since I've last posted? Well, I'm married to a lovely lady, Jessica. I'm busy as a producer at 700WLW and as Slakk on 102.7 WEBN. I've been playing video games, much to my wife's chagrin. That's about it.

     Expect a burst of posts within the next week or so, I've got a lot to say. I look forward to making my spot on the Internet a good one. If you have a topic or question for me, is my e-mail and I'm consistently on Twitter @RandySlack

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