Joey Votto is the best player the Cincinnati Reds have had since Barry Larkin, but if you ask certain people around town, he needs to go. See, the Reds have a rookie named Yonder Alonso that can hit the ball really well, too. He's a rookie, so we don't know how well. Like Joey, he's made to play first base. The Reds have tried him out in left and may try him at third base, but the fact is, he's a first bagger like Joey.
So what to do? You can't play them both at first, and I don't think the Reds will most to the American League anytime soon, so there are a few options being thrown around. Let's take a look at them.
- Move Yonder Alonso to another position - So far, this has been the option the Reds have been using. Yonder has been playing out in LF for the Louisville Bats and had a handful of tries in the majors. Apparently, the Reds found out what the Bats didn't know, Yonder sucks in left. They also might try him at third, but we'll see.
- Trade Joey Votto - Joey is a big time player. And the Reds aren't a big time money team. It looks like down the road, Joey Votto will likely be moved somewhere else. I guess if you know you're going to lose him, why not move him to another team and get some prospects along with giving Alonso first base?
- Move Votto to Another Position - This has to be the silliest idea I've ever heard. Joey isn't a great defensive first baseman. What makes you think he can play somewhere else? People say that if he wants to help the team he'll move. HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE????
I think there is a conspiracy going on. Call me crazy, but there has been a lot of negative Votto talk this season. Is it because certain people know that he's going to be moved and if the general fan has a negative taste in their mouth anyway, it'll make the move easier? All I can say is remember Josh Hamilton? This could be that times 10.
Why mess with a good thing? You KNOW Joey Votto is great. You THINK Yonder Alonso is great. There is a difference.
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